Wednesday, June 1, 2011

strawberry tattoos

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  • MacFanJeff
    Apr 1, 09:20 AM
    Not surpising at all. It's all about control of content and money.

    All studios, rather music or movie have always hated the idea of selling content even though it makes them a ton of money. If they could do away with all of it, including DVD sells, they would. What they truly want is for you to pay a fee every time you want to view or listen to content and you never "own" anything period. Nothing physical at all to buy, just pay for it every time you view or listen.

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  • Joe Bannon
    Feb 20, 11:02 PM
    More processors are better.

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  • Kilamite
    Oct 6, 10:44 AM
    I think it does, all other manufactures are spitting out models every month and Apple has two models that they sell every year and they sell more then these other manufactures. Why change that? Can Apple succeeded at selling more models when nobody else can?

    Okay, is this rumour stating that Apple will be spitting out new models every month? No.

    It'll be a yearly cycle. iPhone Nano, iPhone Classic, iPhone XL or something.

    Apple offers more than one size of laptop, iMac and iPods. Seems to work well right?

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  • Marx55
    Apr 12, 03:00 PM
    The update, which weighs?

    Weight is other thing. The update has a size of...

    Let's use the English language correctly.


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  • 05elstonc
    Sep 25, 11:05 AM
    It seems one of the best features is the upgrade price for existing customers. Free. This makes all of the upgrades even better, since they are free. Apple has really eliminated the possibility for pundits to bash the new version, since it is free for existing users. It is an amazing upgrade.

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  • bitabytex
    Oct 30, 12:06 PM
    Has anyone noticed you can upgrade to 4GB of storage for iDisk now?


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  • Prom1
    Nov 2, 10:25 AM
    Yah, man INTEL & APPLE bonding couldn't have happened at a better time. New Platinum Age of Apple is dawning.

    > but with too many great machines - I dont know which I want more. The Mac Pro or the Mac Book Pro Core2Duo. But both are just too expensive right now (work keeps screwing my cheques) and iMac may be the machine (17")/.

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  • Aeolius
    May 6, 08:41 PM
    �Mac users tend to be younger, more liberal, more fashion-conscious and more likely to live in cities than people who prefer PCs�

    45, Libertarian, fashion is a prison for the weak, and I intentionally live in a rural area because I hate cities.


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  • hailst0rm
    Jan 6, 04:10 PM
    I had to delete the Facebook app and reinstall for the push notification options to come up on my phone. Did try restarting the phone before that but made little difference.

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  • devman
    Apr 2, 07:18 PM
    I have to agree with most here that Pages didn't live up to my expectations. However, I can't agree with you that Word has been perfected. Word is complete nightmare in certain situations. Its non-intuitive and not very user friendly in many cases (especially the windows version!). I do prefer it to Pages, but its by no means the best that can be done.

    Keynote on the other hand is fantastic, and considerably easier to use and prettier than Powerpoint.

    Great post and very well said. Being forced to use Word to write a technical book several years ago was one of the worst experiences of my life.

    Anyway, back to Apple, Mellel is a very good word processor for OS X. Interestingly though, I find myself using Pages more and more often.


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  • radiohead14
    Apr 20, 02:06 PM
    aren't the Sandy Bridge CPUs better with battery life? isn't the MBA supposed to be an ultra portable, thus making battery life the most important aspect of the notebook? at least this is what's most important for me when considering the MBA, so the boost in CPU performance and battery life will cancel out the downgrade in GPU for me.

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  • roach
    Mar 21, 01:11 PM
    The lack of physical keyboard and the fact that is runs on a phone OS really makes the iPad useless for school purpose. I just can see anybody writing long essays on a screen (thumb input) keyboard. Having a real OS takes advantage of already developed software (and stable) and there are tons of them out there for every needs. Whereas an iPad software still needs to be developed. Other things like web research while writing notes can not be done on an iPad. All of these issues a laptop already solves and much more. Any new function an iPad have can easily be created on a laptop.

    Frankly, an iPad is only good for is viewing media and even at that its pretty bad. Imagine holding an iPad upright to watch a two hour movie.


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  • applCore
    May 3, 11:10 AM
    LOL! I'm sure glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. Previous notices came out with the update. Oh well. I was so hopeful that it was for a 3rd update.

    You know, these downloadable updates seem to be more substantial than simple updates and their build iterations are also indicative of somer much more serious changes. I hope they keep with the downloadable updates until we need to test the installer more.

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  • Dagless
    Jan 19, 04:32 PM
    I envy those that will have MarioKart on this, along with all the other games that I'm sure will be great.

    I wasn't even aware there was a Mario Kart game for it. Looks like I have my first 3DS game preordered :o. Was looking for a good launch title to buy too (since I'm probably just going to use mine for DS and GB games for a good while).

    The region lock bothered me too, but apparently it's at the discretion of publishers. So I'm happy that it wont be in all games (just most :p).
    I'd be leaping over the moon if it was region free.


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  • SFVCyclone
    Nov 15, 01:14 PM
    I wonder if this was announced the same day as the zune just to take away some media attention from it?

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  • Jimmni
    Sep 1, 03:43 PM
    yeah, it would only cost them $1000+ to have someone come round to my house and do something about it, well worth the �59 they would sell the end product for :rolleyes:

    do they check everybodys IP, how do they know i wasn't at wwdc.

    Exactly - why would they bother? I'm not sharing it. Plus, I paid for Jaguar (well, the computer it came on), I paid for Panther, I paid for Tiger and I'll 100% certainly be paying for Leopard when it comes out. I want to play with the new features every so often, and get myself all excited about what's to come. How exactly am I hurting Apple? They'd be fools to drive away a long time and dedicated customer by throwing legal issues at me.


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  • MrCrowbar
    Nov 14, 12:50 PM
    "Because he's a pervert, son. Stop staring at his screen and keep watching how the American hero slaughters evil terrorists with his machine gun on your TV screen."

    Technically, people were able to watch porn on their notebooks during a flight, and so far this hasn't been an issue, has it?

    I flew with Virgin Atlantic once, and they have a great entertainment system where you could watch porn if you wanted. But it says you have to ask a stewardess to enable it for you (enter a code)... Might be a bit embarassing asking "Can you put the password in so I can watch big boobies 4 please?" :p

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 21, 01:42 PM
    Could these be Apples baby-steps into the console Market?

    I predict we're going to hear about more than baby steps before the end of the year. If Apple really takes on gaming, it could be really cool with all the devices you could have for interaction and play.

    I think we'll hear more from the WDC.

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  • Eidorian
    Apr 25, 10:44 PM
    Which MacBook Pro and what version of Windows 7?

    Apr 15, 08:19 PM
    crime, I'm not sure how I forgot that word. Mea culpa

    Nobody is saying you can't discriminate against someone who's shoved a gun in your face and asked for all the money in your cash register.

    However, what's your rationale for discriminating against someone who has sat down at a table and wants to order a hamburger and fries?

    Males are far more likely to commit violent crimes than females. If you were worried about statistics, then it would make sense to open an "ladies only" establishment.

    Sep 3, 08:58 AM
    I agree Finder is slower than a snail. Many Mac fans live in denial about the s-l--o--w f----i-----n-------d--------e----r but it is a joke compared to XP. I love OS X and it would be easy to impress others with it's elegance if it weren't for the S-L--O---W F----I-----N------D-------E--------R.

    Great! The pop-up menu on my documents folder in the dock just opened. Bye Bye.

    Sorry, you don't use XP and OS X, then...XP is much slower and a simple piece of crap in regards to multitasking and multithreading...OS X is MUCH faster at that, and can deal with multiple windows, eye candy and different tasks WAAAAAAAAAY better than XP...and yes, I use both (XP for work, OS X at home).

    Mar 11, 09:52 AM
    About 20 people at Stonebriar

    Apr 13, 01:05 AM
    CDMA as dead tech and slow? Not ignorant remark. However, GSM is also a dead tech.

    You made an assumption I was referring to that statement. Either way, neither is dead yet and slow is a relative term that I dont agree with. Slower than AT&T in some areas? Sure. But not everywhere and it isn't slow compared with edge.

    Yeah, but you cannot use CDMA abroad, unless your carrier approves your usage of it. As far as GSM goes, you can simply pop in a sim card and it will work (assuming the iPad is unlocked).

    Also, the scalpers are sending them all over the world, and not just China. Besides, China (especially Hong Kong) also has GSM (China Mobile, the official iPhone carrier in China).

    Apr 3, 05:39 PM
    I'm not too familiar with Ruby. What is it?
    It's useful to add pronunciation to the text for different language speakers, or usually in JP language papers so someone can know how to speak a particular Chinese character.

    It may be obscure but its very useful, especially if it was built in to Cocoa just like spelling...

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