Wednesday, June 1, 2011

sad love quotes in punjabi

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  • iZaid
    Oct 19, 01:11 PM
    is anyone going to the mac expo on friday? or just the apple store, i feel like getting an imac but i dont know if i should.:confused::confused::confused:

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  • bwaltens
    Mar 11, 06:58 AM
    I may get to the southlake store around 1:30-2:30. Its in suburb, but its also kind of a rich area. Do you think I will be good to get a black 32 wifi?

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  • Vedhead
    Apr 5, 11:01 AM
    the iPad will be for normal people when you don't have the sync it.

    all this syncing ********* needs to stop.

    I shouldn't need another computer to use my iPad.

    Makes no sense at all.

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  • darwen
    Oct 9, 03:11 PM
    When will these companies stop bitching over this! I shop at Target all the time for DVDs, iTunes selling those movies is not going to change this. If I want the DVD, I will buy the DVD. Seriously, this is like them complaining over Pay Per View or Rental stores. Get over yourself! This is corporate America... monopolies are not going to be supported by the masses. Competition is a good thing. These companies need to start putting the consumer first and themselves second.


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  • chisnic
    Apr 13, 08:11 AM
    Follow instructions here:

    Thanks for the link, very helpful!

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  • goobot
    Apr 12, 04:28 PM
    Surveys are not usually right.... based on # sold is where the truth is.


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  • OneMike
    Jan 4, 09:59 AM
    bad decision. apps like motion gps I'd pay $0.99 for and use the maps over the air.

    If I'm going to pay $40 for a gps app it'd be cause I relied on it. Wouldn't chance having service.

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  • steviem
    Mar 27, 08:46 AM
    Do you not have Road Tax on your cars?

    To use a car in the UK, (unless it's a classic car made before 1972 I think), you have to keep it taxed. It's �105/6 months for my car, which has a 2litre engine.


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  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 09:19 AM
    Clever ;)

    Although I'm personally not a fan of using URL shorteners on forums where there's no character limit, I like seeing what website I'm about to go to, especially since I browse MR while at work. I don't want to click on a link that takes me to ;)

    Oh, I agree.

    In fact, my original "correction" was to use (url=Name of Link)http://whatever(/url), but apparently that code doesn't work on MR, and the filters still attacked the url. Odd. (Parenthesis for brackets, of course)

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  • kenpina
    Apr 30, 01:56 PM
    Purchased: Aug '07
    Model No: A1186
    EMC No: 2138
    Mac Pro/3.0_8CX/4x1/2x7300GT/500/2xSD/AP/BT

    Logic board:
    Part number: 630-7951
    Serial Number: J5*****X7QB

    Added: 8gb Kingston memory (total 12gb)
    Added: 3x1tb drives (total 3.5tb)

    Couple weeks back, system blinked off. The machines powers on, but there's no chime and the system doesn't boot at all. Done the SMC reset, reseated RAM, drives, video cards etc. Suspected the logic board.

    Troubleshooting (from Frys, Apple authorized) confirms it's the logic board.

    Now, going through the process of pulling the old board to trade in for a replacement "X7Q" board. Probably this one:

    I got the machine disassembled but I am unable to remove the heat sinks/CPUs. The 4 captive screws loosen, even took them all the way out of the machine, but the sinks seem to be stuck. It doesn't just lift out as most of the online info I've found indicates that it should.

    Unsure of how hard to pull on this thing. It wobbles very slightly, but feels firmly stuck on...enough that the board will flex if I pull it any harder.

    More reading makes me think it might be the thermal paste is just really sticking? This is really stuck though...almost as though there's another screw I can't see. I thought if I pulled hard enough the CPU might come out along with the sink.

    Also I ran across an article (after the fact) that states the order of screw removal from the heat sinks needs to be in a specific crossing pattern. Can't imagine how that matters.

    Of course, I paid through the nose for this machine back in late '07. Bought Apple Care even. All long since that I need it. Getting desperate. This machine is a workhorse and I see no value in replacing it if I can fix it for 700 to 800 bucks.

    Any one have ideas?


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  • VulchR
    Mar 24, 06:11 AM
    I do wish people in this forum stop referring to 'the military' as though they were some sort of alien life-forms. 'The military' are people, and even if you happen to be in the oh-so-unique moral high ground of opposing war and violence from your comfortable desk, soldiers deserve the best kit we can afford to give them. Ditto for the returning veterans. And their families.

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  • rhomsy
    Feb 25, 10:14 AM
    Not every consumer is as tech savvy as the rest of us... same goes as to the bad loans by greedy mortgage lenders...

    That is a bunch of BS too. Greedy mortgage lenders, or greedy homeowners, which is it? I could see the argument when mortgages were difficult to figure out, but then the industry got regulated with Truth in Lending, etc. The Truth in Lending Statement is a simple one page statement, in plain english, that breaks down the loan, and the borrower's commitment, in elementary school terms. Example: you have to pay $1,985.00 per month, for the next 30 years.

    So what happens, idiots sign it, take the loan, usually take a payout too as part of the loan, and then later file a claim against the bank saying they never could afford the loan. What???????

    With freedom comes responsibility. If you don't want the responsibility of what happens when you can't pay the loan, then you lose your freedom. If the law becomes (if it already hasn't), that you can get out of loans, scott free when it goes bad, and it has to be crystal clear on the bank's part that you have more than enough $$$$ to pay the loan under all circumstances, then do you really think banks will be giving out loans to lower-middle class families. NOOOOO. They will forever be stuck as renters. They lost the ability to take the risk, if they chose, to do something different with their money and their lives.

    I deal with this crap every day. I see some moron do a refi to take money out for a business venture. The venture doesn't pan-out, and he gets foreclosed. Then he cries to the court that he never should have gotten the loan. He took a risk, and it failed. Why is that the bank's fault. Now, he and others in his position, will lose the ability to take that risk to try to better themselves. The government isn't protecting them, they are entrenching them in their current class, and making it impossible for them to advance. They've taken away their freedom.


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  • DavidLeblond
    Apr 25, 01:26 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Alright. Say it was Mac App Store only and I had Leopard. How would I go about purchasing Lion?

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  • frunkis54
    Aug 20, 11:34 PM
    people are overreacting about this.

    1. you physically have to go to places and check in for anyone to see where your at.
    2. you control who sees it. you can set it up so all your friends see it or only certain ones. if your worried about someone knowing your not at home. you might want to think who you have for friends on your FB account because they are the only ones that will know where you are or you aren't


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  • ender land
    Apr 9, 09:29 AM
    Cut defense, raise taxes on the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes. Deficit solved without cutting any social services. In fact, the little "balance the budget" exercise I posted a few weeks ago proved we could add a surplus while still increasing money for social services, green energy and veterans benefits. All with a progressive tax increase on the top 10%.

    As Maddow says, its not about the budget.

    This mentality and mentality will never fix budget problems.

    You cannot simply go "oh we are spending more money than we have, lets just go get more money" or "what do we want to do? let's get the money to do it" and expect to keep a balanced budget. Because the next time you have the problem, you'll do the same thing. This obviously is not repeatable indefinitely.

    The way to keep a balanced budget does not change when you are the government as compared with individual. It's about not spending more than you have and then finding ways to get more money. It's about spending money on things which are necessary, not merely wanted.

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  • ejfontenot
    Mar 11, 10:36 AM
    Chomping at the bit to be at Stonebriar, can't leave here til 4!


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  • codymac
    Apr 3, 07:34 PM
    The one in Texas the comtroller (GOP at the time) even toll scumbag Perry that if you cut property tax that for it would come back and be a problem in 2011. He called it. He told them in 2011 the budget would come up short and it was just worse than he said it was because of the tanking.

    You mean "she?" We've had women comptrollers for over a decade now.

    The underperforming post-2006 state franchise tax takes the lion's share of the burden here (as called out in the article). It simply isn't compensating for the reduction that was based on it.

    But... that decrease in school taxes has been partially offset by the appraisal districts raising home values since it went into effect. Both the rates and home values have increased in my district since the initial drop. (By 2009 the rate x value equaled my 2005 amount.)

    Sure, it's screwed up, but don't believe Perry's claims that he reduced school taxes as much as he says. That's giving him too much credit.

    Thanks for reminding me though... I need to file my franchise taxes.

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  • Willis
    Oct 26, 02:19 PM
    No PPC version... man, thats going to hurt sales somewhat. Adobe should remember the mass of Apples customers are PPC users, and most people still have machines around 5-6yrs old. Cutting them out the loop is harsh, not to mention those who own newish G5's.

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  • Lex Yu
    Apr 30, 07:39 PM
    Too early to quit dvd altogether:confused:

    If its up to me to should throw that medium into the wastebin asap.

    I don't see why it's too early to ditch DVD-Rom for OS installing, since every single mac has USB ports.

    Plus a DVD.

    Why plus a DVD? Every mac which has a DVD drive also has several USB ports.

    Nov 17, 05:00 PM
    I think the iPhone 4 looks great without a case....but it drops calls without the damn bumper!

    It doesn't. My and my friend's iPhones 4 have no problem without cover. Stop the paranoia and FUD.

    Apr 11, 12:40 PM
    A little off subject, but does anyone else find it ironic/strangely hilarious that the GOP/tea people painted Obama as someone who was going to "mess with Medicaid/Medicare", and now that they have been voted in the GOP is the one who is going to butcher Medicaid/Medicare...

    Where's the outrage? :p

    Somehow ( it sounds familiar to me...

    Oct 25, 12:53 PM
    I'm pretty sure it is just the one.

    Its one disk that lets you install the OS on more that one computer (up to 5 I think) where as the normal one only lets you install once.

    Feb 23, 09:43 PM
    Steve does not look too good. He looks rather skinny.

    Agreed. He's not packin' a bit on like some of the other older guys at that table ...

    Apr 25, 02:47 PM
    Even though I doubt you actually want to see anything here ( is a list of some things he promised to do and actually did. As far as politicians go Obama has been pretty good at keeping promises, I don't agree with him on everything but some of his problems with doing things come from the republicans stopping him and him having too much of a desire to compromise.

    I have seen that list and it is a list of around 500 things. There are only about 140 things here. Most of them are encouragements which means nothing. Number 279, 284, 315 who the hell cares. Number 460, I could ask them to do that. Number 502, get his daughters a puppy, who gives a flying ****. A lot of this list is horse crap that doesn't matter.

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