Wednesday, June 1, 2011

professional thank you letter sample

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  • coolant113
    Jun 19, 03:25 PM
    Item sold on ebay.... thanks for all responses:apple::apple:

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 07:12 AM
    This $20 discount is a kick in the nuts from Apple.
    It's in line with their CPP published prices for their computers, which see only modest $20-30 discounts over the education retail pricing for the 5- and 10-packs.

    Since the iPad education retail price is $499 and the package price already down $20 to $479, it would be unusual for the pack to be discounted more than the iMacs and MacBooks. Honestly it's a bit of a surprise that they have the same package discount as the 13" MacBook Pro on the iPad. When you consider that they're already getting education pricing and tax exemptions, plus other perks and extras from their package purchase, it's not such a bad deal.

    So how is it that Apple can only give the education sector a $20 discount per device when Amazon can buy this device from Apple (who is making a profit), resell it to consumers, AND STILL MAKE A PROFIT?
    Profit might be an overstatement. It's my understanding that most resellers don't get more than a 10% discount over retail price from Apple, and Amazon is a master of the loss leader. It often sells iPods and other popular items at near-break-even to attract other sales. It famously sells its eBooks at a loss.
    As far as I know, there aren't many electronics manufacturers that even offer education discounts, so it's difficult to hang Apple for not giving bigger discounts.
    Most offer some form of institutional purchase discounts.

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  • roocka
    Apr 21, 04:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I wish my iPhone had an altimeter so that my workout software could tell me how many calories I burn when I climb hills in san Francisco.

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  • Yannick
    Sep 27, 09:54 AM
    I checked the update pace for Mac OS X 10.4.
    29/04/2005: 10.4.0
    17/05/2005: 10.4.1 (+ 18 days)
    12/07/2005: 10.4.2 (+ 56 days)
    31/10/2005: 10.4.3 (+ 111 days)
    11/01/2006: 10.4.4 (+ 72 days)
    14/02/2006: 10.4.5 (+ 34 days)
    03/04/2006: 10.4.6 (+ 48 days)
    27/06/2006: 10.4.7 (+ 85 days)
    27/09/2006 (today) + 92 days

    Soon we'll have 10.4.8, and then probably around 3 months later 10.4.9 (January?). I doubt Apple will release 10.4.10, they could but I don't think they ever did it with another OS.

    I thought first that it could mean that Leopard would be early, but I don't think so (spring 2007 is March 21 - June 21).


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  • HexMonkey
    Jun 1, 03:23 AM
    Then that means merging articles wherever possible, and as I suggested before, using the subcategories as filters rather than points of separation.

    How does what I said mean we should merge articles whenever possible? :confused:

    I don't think MediaWiki supports using categories as filters.

    That way we can reduce article clutter while simultaneously avoiding arbitrary separation between different types of software simply because they don't fit the idea of being "Mac" like.
    As for the CLI thing, it's all just software, we don't need to keep them separated by walls of steel from the "Mac" apps since they run native on a Mac.

    If there's a "Terminal Commands" subcategory of a "Software" category, the CLI applications are still classed as software. By putting them in a subcategory, we are not hiding them, shunning them or separating them by "walls of steel". We are merely putting articles in logical groupings to make them easier to find. They are not split off because they're not "Mac-like".

    A simpler category structure does not necessarily make the guides any simpler to use.

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  • Sminman86
    Apr 5, 09:52 AM
    "Wipe yourself off, your bleeding."

    Screen bleeds on the bottom left hand corner. My only gripe.

    This device is amazing.


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  • Cassie
    Apr 2, 07:22 PM
    Anywhere from between $3.50-3.60 a gallon here just north of San Antonio, Texas.

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  • bloodycape
    Nov 13, 01:37 AM
    Just wondering how Japan perceives Apple as a company - if anyone knows. I know they don't like Microsoft (as in Xbox). I can't imagine they sell many Apple computers over there. Ipods a different story?

    Last I remember, Japan and Korea tend to show loyalty to Japanese companies, hence Sony playstation doing well in Japan. I also remember reading that iPod is #3 in like Japan, a #4 in Korea or something.


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  • RobBookPro
    Apr 16, 12:29 AM
    This article led me to believe that the Army was after Apples's skills rather then their products. For example, creating intuitive platforms that do not require training.

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  • Komiksulo
    Jun 10, 08:07 PM
    I was really hoping to see the 1700-MHz band on the iPhone 4.


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  • CaptainHaddock
    May 4, 01:00 AM
    For those of us not in a region where retailers give out beta keys (Japan in my case), does anyone have any idea how to get a beta key? I signed up in, but Blizzard hasn't deemed me worthy it seems.

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 05:11 PM
    Having run Linux for the past two years, I find this bit hilarious.

    Well, savvy enough to avoid Windows whenever possible.


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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Feb 24, 01:01 AM
    Parents need to grow up and be just that....parents and not the kid's buddy, etc.

    We do not need Government to step in here, Apple provides several ways for parents to control this:

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  • puffnstuff
    Mar 26, 04:54 PM

    Steve:Let's go discuss this somewhere more private
    Schmidt: My place or yours?


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  • HexMonkey
    Jun 1, 05:48 AM
    Sorry, I wasn't trying to change what you said or anything, I was just using what you said (that the list would become quite long) as a reason for why we should reduce the total amount of articles by merging articles wherever possible.

    I'm not sure that reducing category sizes is a good reason to merge articles. We shouldn't do anything that makes it harder to find something within an article once you're there, especially since categories are just one way to find articles - in fact, just 2% of page views in the Guides (of actual content pages, excluding things like the search page) are for viewing one of the root level categories.

    They're split off from the main software category because of the perception that a lot of users may not want to look at the Terminal... it does reduce the amount of articles in the main software category.

    I wasn't the one who created the Terminal Commands category, but I'd be very surprised if that was the reason it was created. Again, these articles are in a different category because it's a logical grouping - no different to similar categories such as Games and Networking and Internet Software. As someone who uses the Terminal extensively, I find it much more useful this way.

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  • brucem91
    May 4, 09:45 AM
    Yes this is partially the reason. The other reason is that Apple refuses to even allow the option of current generation video cards in their products. Even when they upgrade they are often not top of the line. The best card on the imac you can get is capped at 512MB which was starting to be a small amount of video memory even back in 2006. I think a current generation gpu should at least be offered as an option.

    Yes Windows has had "minimize" too for many many years. Just press Alt-Tab, this is not exclusive to OS-X.Not minimize, but rezize on the fly. However, i'm not to sure about the graphics card argument, because, like you said, the game runs better on the same mac, just in windows, which I have also noticed, but I still prefer to run SC 2 in OS X.


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  • ewinemiller
    Sep 13, 07:25 AM
    Originally posted by Haberdasher
    Go ahead and flame me...I know that the Mhz of the G4 and P4 don't match up in performance, but there's too big of a speed gap for there to be any doubt in my mind of which is faster.

    It's actually a little worse than you think, when the P4s first came out, they were clock for clock significantly slower than a G4, but with the release of the Northwood core and then the 533mhz bus, at least with the stuff I do, my P4 is clock for clock faster than my G4. I've got 6 classes of machines sitting around and when I hit render and then factor out mhz, this is the list fastest to slowest: PIII-mobile, P4-533mhz bus, PIII-coppermine, G4-quicksilver, G3, PII. Of course with the boosted bus on the new G4s, this ranking may well have changed, but the point is, the P4 is no longer the laggard it was at it's introduction. On top of that Intel keeps boosting the clockspeed and is about to introduce another boost in the form of hyperthreads to the consumer P4 line to push it even farther.

    I really like my Mac, OSX is nice and I love the iApps. All the kid videos are done using 75% iMovie and iDVD (with a little Premier on the PC when I need something fancy), but frankly that's really not enough and I only keep the Mac to support my customers. When it comes to production, it's just not enough bang for the buck. I have to believe that Steve and Co. have something interesting up their sleeve because to follow Motorola's plodding updates to the G4 seems like a slow suicide and would be a terrible thing to do to the stockholders and fans of the platform.

    Before I get flamed about how it's worth the performance hit and cost to avoid the PCs reputation for more downtime. I haven't a problem like that since NT4 with sp3 as long as I use a top tier vender like dell. The handful of homegrown machines I've built since then have been notoriously twitchy, but is probably more an indicator of my skills as a system integrator not of the platform in general.

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  • igmolinav
    Sep 24, 04:58 PM
    Hi !!!

    Which of the following two sleeves would you choose for the 12" ibook and why?

    From Brenthaven:

    From Shinza:

    Is there any other sleeve brand and model that you would choose for the 12" ibook?

    Thank you,

    ignacio molina

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 02:29 PM
    After I had to write a paper on "Myth America- How The American Dream has been and always will be a Myth" I conveniently forgot to sign up for the next semester's classes.

    Great title!!

    That kind of stuff changed my views on a lot of things. I never could understand. I've been beat down a lot in my life. I started with zero - paycheck to paycheck household, nobody saved anything for my college. I got loans. I've gone into debt a couple times, but pulled myself out of it and put together a pretty good career.

    I thought I did all that myself, but apparently it's my "white advantage" (first heard that used by Al Gore). That's just distasteful to me. Now, maybe if my skin had been a different color I would have had a harder time and not been given a fair shake in interviews and such. I can accept that. But would it really have been *impossible* to overcome, or just an additional challenge?

    It just depresses me to see people living their lives with the belief that absolutely nothing is within their control, and the only way to succeed is to wrestle the property of other people away from them by massing political power. That's just a damn depressing way to live - thinking you've got no chance, no hope, nothing to contribute or gain on your own.

    Mar 25, 09:33 AM
    The difference here is Samsung settled. With $1billion at stake, Apple will likely fight this to the end. And with countersuits on the line, this will get ugly.

    For a billion apple could just go out and buy the company. :rolleyes:

    Considering they are today at 3.43 per share just buy them out and throw out the executive.

    Oct 26, 06:59 PM
    People kept coming by asking us what we were queuing for, none of them looked at me seriously when I told them we were waiting to get into the Apple Store!

    same here. it was a bit embarrassing to say i was queuing for an operating system!

    Jun 17, 09:54 PM
    I've heard that the older Arcade and Pro models are no long in production.
    The older models are no longer being made, that is correct.
    What is going to happen once they're no longer in stock?
    My guess, as I stated earlier...
    ...Then next year, after the launch of Kinect has settled in, and the older models are pretty well phased out, they could introduce a wider range of models.

    Blue Velvet
    Feb 12, 06:56 PM
    Import the CD, then click on the Browse button (top-right, look like an eye).

    Scroll down the album menu to the album. Select it and key Apple-I, it will ask you if you want to edit multiple items, you say yes, and then enter the name you want in the artists field...

    Mr Bigs
    Feb 19, 09:00 AM
    Obama (and the Chinese Premier) had a high profile meeting with Balmer only last month (

    Why was Steve Jobs snubbed? ;)Their is no way in Hell our government is gonna switch over to OSX so that is your answer.;)

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