Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • jdechko
    Oct 26, 02:14 PM
    I messed with it for about 5 minutes and it's nowhere near Soundtrack, IMO. Now I'm not an audio or video pro, but I like to do some tinkering. But as someone else stated, Adobe Audition is much more competition to Soundtrack is than SoundBooth.

    Also, this doesn't necessarily need to be a UB. Heck, from what I saw it doesn't really even fill a need with the Intel Macs. Logic and Soundtrack seem to be much better options.

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  • liavman
    Mar 24, 03:51 PM
    I am going out there now to get one.

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  • milo
    Oct 26, 04:12 PM
    now a 2-month old PowerMac is already becoming obsolete.

    I certainly hope you didn't buy a Power Mac two months ago, especially since Apple announced the intel switch over a year ago.

    Classic was supported until what, last year essentially? And the G3 machines up until Leopard? ;) :cool:

    The original G3's were only suppored through 10.2.

    While I wish I could run this on my quad, it makes total sense. They're not "abandoning" anyone since this is a new app, and probably won't have a final version shipping for months. If they're expecting slow adoption of this anyway, why bother doing a version that people will be abandoning as fast as they are adopting?

    While the intel only thing is a negative, I'm very happy to see any new audio apps appear that are alternatives to STP. Soundtrack Pro is a turd and has been since its release what, a year and a half ago? Apple needs to realize that shipping an app that is complete garbage is not acceptable.

    I'd much rather run Sound Forge under parallels than use STP.

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  • iphoneguy123
    Jun 29, 07:36 PM
    I said this a while back. Apple should buy SanDisk, buy Sony, get rid of Ex-FAT and re-package/re-brand/standardize this media in every product they make and package a flavor of it for ROM as a successor to Blu-Ray.

    Small, portable, insane storage capacity and Apple could build the format without the insane licensing fees that have been attached to Blu-Ray. Apple is a global company and they want all of their products to be immensely useful globally, unfortunately broadband and internet mean something completely different to everyone, in terms of connection speed, and that will in all likely hood never change. A small disc, slightly larger than a half a stick of gum, that can hold up to 2TB of data potentially is the perfect bridge for every digital device in virtually any form factor.

    Buy Sony?


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  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 5, 11:46 AM
    You would have to be an absolute Apple-hater to go to Best Buy, play with both the iPad 2 and the Xoom (both currently on display for play) and come away thinking the Xoom was a better product. Go compare them yourselves side-by-side (well, they are about 15 feet apart at my Best Buy) and decide for yourself. For me, the iPad is still the clear leader in both fit & finish, screen (off-angle viewing) and simplicity-user friendliness of OS. And the Apps availability really seals the deal if you want to consider what you will actually do with the hardware once you get it home.

    Don't be so ignorant.

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  • thermodynamic
    Apr 23, 06:19 PM
    I grew up on a pc and now I choose Mac because it's so much better in my opinion. Personally I'm not liberal and I'm not super conservative either. I odiously care about my appearance, and I'm not a vegetarian. I do like the Beatles though wherever that fits in. So I'm not anywhere near this statistic. Windows Is more complicated, but it would be fine if it wasn't slow, get viruses all the time, and when u click an app it doesn't take ten min to pop up (not to mention u get so frustrated u click it several time and then like 7 windows pop up). Personally this never happens to my Mac iknow my way a round both os's but I also own most apple products. I take care of the pc sitting in the basement my dad uses it for email when he is not on the iPad, so it doesn't get that much use but it slows down fast so we clean it out every year ( back what we need up and then wipe the thing). The pc is cheeper that is why most of the world uses them, there is a thiving computer repair business for a reason (not many for Mac). But whatever floats your boat I guess lol

    A computer's best feature is its application, but the operating system that runs the applications should not be neglected.

    Windows is garbage.

    Virtualizing Windows desktops will be like a bad sitcom - everybody is laughing except the ones who work on it.

    Personally, I lean left-wing on some issues, right-wing on one or two issues. but prefer not being labeled as anything. For left-wing or right-wing, they're both part of a big turkey. I am an individual. I am a free man. Not a number. :D

    My appearance could be better, but I'd rather get to work. Substance over style. Mac has a great look, but the OS is what counts the most.

    PCs aren 't much cheaper once you add in support costs, not to mention adware, trialware, and other crapware that get preinstalled. And once info is added into the registry, it can (usually) be removed but the registry cannot be compacted. Bloat creeps in and reinstalling is inevitable, if performance is a concern. Even with Win7, which has bugs that SP1 hasn't fixed either...

    OS X has a couple of foibles, but compared to Windows "it just works" is not an inaccurate statement and, quite frankly, is vastly superior to Windows.


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  • MotleyPete
    Dec 21, 06:37 AM
    It's only been a bit of fun, but the homeless charity Shelter have received a large slice of cash in the process ( and are due to get more from RATM themselves.

    This makes it all worthwhile in my opinion. A merry xmas indeed.

    boho hairstyles.

  • Deepdale
    Sep 15, 12:04 AM
    So I am having my first surgical procedures in *looks at widget* 16 days, and the thing that scares me the most is the general anesthesia...

    In actuality, general anesthesia may be more important than the skills of the surgeon. My most vivid memory of the anesthesia given for my hernia repair years ago was when the doctor told me to count backwards from 100.

    I got down into the upper 40's and wondered if that was normal. Then I heard the doctor say, "This patient is considerably more resistant than most others ... let's increase the flow." I immediately had misgivings about agreeing to the surgery at that point.

    I must have drifted off seconds later because the next thing I remembered was awakening in the recovery room. The procedure went smoothly and I've never had any problems since. I would not fret much over it. Best wishes on everything.


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  • IntelliUser
    May 3, 10:37 AM
    Canada seems to be following Europe, where conservatives gained power in the recent years, even in traditionally liberal countries.

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  • Eriden
    Apr 5, 09:22 AM
    Hasn't Apple always been known for producing systems usable by the Everyman? Whereas the ubermenschen were off using UNIX systems at first, followed by Linux, Apple computers have always appealed to those who wanted to pick up a computer and start working, without technology getting in the way, at least since the Macintosh...


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  • icode4food
    May 3, 11:02 AM
    I have an old 2006 MBP 17" 2.16GHz Intel Core Duo 2GB RAM. Game runs slow on the "recommended settings" which puts the majority of the settings on Low. Tried bumping up the resolution which caused the game to crash when the match began.

    I'm not happy with the performance of the game on my Mac however it handles the game better than my 2008 Dell Precision laptop running XP. Time to upgrade my MBP.

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  • freewebsites
    Nov 11, 02:30 PM
    Iphone is still the best!


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  • Abyssgh0st
    Mar 11, 09:59 AM
    Nearing 30 at University.

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 8, 07:37 PM
    Cut defense, raise taxes on the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes. Deficit solved without cutting any social services. In fact, the little "balance the budget" exercise I posted a few weeks ago proved we could add a surplus while still increasing money for social services, green energy and veterans benefits. All with a progressive tax increase on the top 10%.

    As Maddow says, its not about the budget.

    I thought you described yourself as an anarchist. What's your definition of an anarchist? Someone who supports a lot of state control?


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  • Thunderhawks
    Mar 25, 11:41 AM
    Not only that - but the fact that there is no film in a digital camera - Kodak is a "film emulsion" company. Professionals never bought Kodak cameras or lenses. There is no "film" in a digital camera. The most natural progression would have been for Kodak to make memory cards.

    Most of the R&D (and they did some great R&D in chemistry, materials and human image perception) were fundementally irrelevant to digital.

    The changes that Kodak would have needed to be relevant were so huge (fire 90% of staff, change the entire core business) that I don't think there was any way they could have been succesful.

    The successful camera companies today fall into one of two camps: 1. well established camera companies. 2. Consumer electronics companies.

    Afga (a film emulsion company): effectively dead.

    Fuji: very limited success (though they almost had their head above water for a while).

    Fuji is a very good tasting Apple. Hope they don't taste this good because they have emulsion in it:-)

    Didn't they join with tsu? and now make Fuji tsu scanners etc.

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  • carlgo
    Nov 18, 10:52 AM
    Great, now they will seal up all the doors and windows at Foxconn and cavity search the employees when the are allowed out. And some employees will just mysteriously disappear.


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  • wizard
    Jun 18, 04:15 PM
    That is hiding specs from people that would really like to know. That is the people who read the spec sheets and have good reason to do so. Little things add up be it the RAM in an iPhone/iPad, what the SD slot is capable of or any of a number of other devices that are poorly speced on the machine. Is it that difficult to just be honest with your users? Further where is the advantage of not coming clean?

    The info gleaned above would seem to indicate that the port can do 250 MB/s less overhead. That would mean that the SD card could become one excellent boot device if cards with that speed actually become available. That would mean one could raid the two drives in the server and keep the OS on the SD card. That ought too make for a nice file server.

    The other thing would be the possibility of booting alternative OS'es in a reasonable fashion. Seems like a great way to run Linux.

    Ugly is the reality that the tech has to now catch up with the standard. This could take awhile and I'm not sure we will ever see two terabyte SD cards.

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  • Schizoid
    Apr 5, 09:57 AM

    Will it blend?

    That is the question!

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  • Terrabit
    Sep 20, 01:25 AM

    The problem is with RAID systems that you have to boot of a Non-Raid OS-x Boot Drive, run the two sets of firmware update, then move back to RAID drives.

    Technically: the firware is stored on a specific sector of the hard drive, the computer reboots into special firmware loading software, the firmware loading software naively tries to search for the firm ware at a specific location on the hard drive. If you have RAID, its not going to find the firmware.

    You can leave your RAID drives visible (you don't have to unplug anything) but you do have to boot of a booring-normal OS X setup.

    There are few ways you can do this:
    * Install OS X on an External drive
    * Install OS X on an iPod harddrive (20 gig model, etc).
    * etc.

    Its a pain.

    May 3, 08:21 AM
    I would like to become an ordinary man ... Can I get an iPad as a gift?
    :rolleyes: :apple:

    May 26, 03:48 PM
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by wsteineker
    [B]So things are great for around 3 weeks when all of the sudden my CDR just stops working. Seriously, just like that. I wake up, boot, and BOOM! It's gone. [B]

    No kidding! My Mom's XP did the same thing. Sony's answer? Reformat and reinstall.

    This debate could (and will) go on forever. I consider myself a cross-platform guy. Pretty knowledgeable about tech stuff. I just got done posting a WinTel vs. Apple comment in another forum.

    It all boils down to this:

    I'm building a new PC out of some spare parts and a few upgrades... to play around with. To use for some stuff. And no, not games. Some legal software (I'm not paying twice).

    But I'm saving up to buy a nice Mac in a few months (come on 970) to use. To work on. Audio/Video/Imaging. I know you can do those on a PC. But why would you want to?

    I mean, really. Why?

    I'd rather have secure and acurate than cheap and (sometimes) a little more speed.

    Apr 5, 10:26 AM
    Wait....let me guess, their final conclusion is , that they still don't recommend it because of XYZ issues affecting a whopping 1% of the customers. Do I win the prize? :D

    yeah; you win a prize. But the forum rules prohibit me from telling you what it is.

    As others have said, a "recommended" from CR is a special level. The fact that iPhone 4 had a flaw (whether that flaw affected a few people, or lots of people), means it didn't attain that highest level, so instead it received a very good review.

    It's like CNET's "editor's choice"--if a product doesn't get that, it doesn't mean the product is bad.

    "can't recommend" does not equal "recommend against"

    Apr 5, 05:50 PM
    Apple should've held out on the refresh to include USB 3 and even HDMI. Thunderbolt and the is currently useless.

    agreed the apple store person was like you can transfer a 5GB movie in 10 seconds but I was like transfer to what? But there is a new LaCie hard drive coming in the summer :D but it would be great to have that sort of connectivity in the new iphone. It is also annoying that there is no 3.0?.....

    May 1, 06:27 PM
    My Late-2009 Mac Pro runs it on Ultra settings with no lag or stuttering. I don't know the frame rate, but it looks like it's at least 50fps to me. Very smooth, even during very large battles.

    Your i7 iMac should be fine.

    wonderful! great thanks heaps for that!!

    i hope it goes ok at 2560x1440 though haha ;)

    can anybody report the type of CPU usage that you are seeing? is it quad core compliant?

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