Wednesday, June 1, 2011

pond food chain for kids

pond food chain for kids. Welcome to the food chain
  • Welcome to the food chain

  • -SD-
    Jun 14, 07:10 PM
    I'm starting to quite like the new design. What I really want is dimensions, or a couple of comparison pictures alongside the original console. I'm quite surprised there's no slot-loading DVD drive though.

    I think I'll wait until closer to Xmas to see what deals they do with Kinect, and make sure the hardware is more reliable. The Wii is definitely being replaced with an Xbox and Kinect though.


    pond food chain for kids. of the food chain and the
  • of the food chain and the

  • str1f3
    Dec 29, 12:52 AM
    This is the stupidest POS news. AM I RIGHT? Can't buy an iPhone ONLINE in NY for a day and something is interesting about this? I can't believe CNBC is so anxiously awaiting tablet and new iphone news that they think this is significant.

    This has been going on for a long time. You could not order an iPhone for at least for the past month from AT&T in New York state. I know. I tried and family members have tried as well. I thought it was a website error originally until criss1205 had mentioned it. It's just that nobody had checked this out until a couple of days ago.

    pond food chain for kids. 281534 Kids
  • 281534 Kids

  • rdowns
    Apr 11, 10:51 AM
    You forgot one thing. I added it for you. You're welcome.

    I love how so many here talk about needed cuts, but never talk about needing to raise taxes. :rolleyes:

    Agreed. I also find it absurd that people think we can solve this now as opposed to over time. It took at least 8 years to get where we are, we can't fix it on one.

    pond food chain for kids. Project Two: Food Webs
  • Project Two: Food Webs

  • marksman
    May 2, 06:27 PM
    My buddy posted this (, and I tried to tell Engadget -- they wouldn't hear it.

    Kind of ridiculous.

    It is amusing, because it was clear from the first photograph claiming a thickness difference was taken on an angle that simply made the white iPhone look thicker.

    Was pretty clear that was all it was. Firs thing I thought is why did they not take the photo head on and level like your friend did.

    It's clear that some iPhone 4s are thicker. (see engadget photo)


    That new engadget picture with a piece of glass and some spacer in it is not evidence of different thicknesses. it involves so many different pieces of materials it is not something that should be considered accurate.

    Why can't engadget afford actual calipers. They can't be that expensive.

    As for the TiPB pictures, I have been staring at them for the last few minutes, and I can't even determine if they know how to use the calipers or what measurments they are comparing to each other.


    pond food chain for kids. and algae in Linsley Pond.
  • and algae in Linsley Pond.

  • Full of Win
    Apr 19, 01:00 PM
    I don't think anyone doubts the machine can do the expose effect (the iPad 1 does it in Safari just fine).

    There are plenty of reasons it might have been turned down for their final switcher implementation. One, the final iOS allows a variable number of programs to remain open depending on their memory requirements. The expose implementation implies that 9 can be open. That's inconsistent UI. Two, as others have mentioned, you can't always tell the difference between apps at a glance from little screenshots. So they went with icons in the end.

    The current implementation is also inconsistent in the UI department, in that the same action and will result in two different actions.

    In some cases, a hold > jiggle > close will result in an app shutting down, and other times the same action set (hold > jiggle > close) will result in an app being deleted.

    Go Away troll!

    The current system is an embarrassment, relative to others (e.g. WebOS). Several things wrong with it, for example it does not indicate the extent that a background app is in use. In OS X, open apps are denoted with a white orb (or a triangle before 10.5), but is the same done here? No. Also, apps should be prioritized according to usage, for example if you have a GPS app running in the background drawing power, it should come up first in the system tray (and have a special look) to show it is a running process and needs to be shut down when not in use. The current system of showing apps as the same, no matter if they are in a sleep state or in a active state, and letting the user guess which is which is a failure.

    Seriously, go look at WebOS and then come back and tell me the iOS presentation is anything other that a generation or more behind the state-of-the-art.

    pond food chain for kids. Bag of food fro the fish at
  • Bag of food fro the fish at

  • toddybody
    Apr 14, 09:06 AM
    Sorry Woz...but you arent an Orackle of computing truths (neither am I).

    Im a Systems Engineer who *get ready for it* has an iPad. :eek:
    But yes, of course iPad owner's use it for normal fun stuff...nobody codes on their iPad (cause ya cant), and I only know one person who uses it as a primary business machine...hes got one of the bluetoothe keyboard cases. LMFAO, we just tell him, "ya know, thats what we call a laptop"


    pond food chain for kids. Figure 1: An example of a food
  • Figure 1: An example of a food

  • chabig
    Nov 14, 09:07 AM
    (Side note: Having listened to it for the first time on this flight, I really appreciate airlines that put the air traffic control traffic on one of the audio channels. It was neat -- and somewhat comforting -- to know exactly what my pilot was doing up there.)United is the ONLY airline that does this.

    pond food chain for kids. A Bruce Lee fast food chain
  • A Bruce Lee fast food chain

  • Track&Share
    Jan 12, 03:42 PM
    We are working on a Facebook status update. Our app so far updates users via Twitter on daily things that get tracked. Glad to see Facebook become more iPhone friendly. If you have anything to track / improve in your life, have a look at Track & Share. Try the lite version for free. All the best to all Facebook fans,


    pond food chain for kids. 3 old bath tubs Modern pond
  • 3 old bath tubs Modern pond

  • JDOG_
    Oct 26, 01:34 PM
    Hah, Adobe being committed to x86 Macs. If they meant it we would have had a universal binary update to Creative Suite 2 a lonnng time ago. :rolleyes:

    pond food chain for kids. up in the food chain.
  • up in the food chain.

  • res1233
    Mar 28, 09:42 AM
    Nice dude, you really had to go there right? A good'ol racist comment.
    dude, there was nothing racist about that lol don't be so sensitive


    pond food chain for kids. food chain.
  • food chain.

  • DevinPitcher
    Mar 13, 09:56 AM
    Verizon iPhone - All is good.

    pond food chain for kids. Pond Explorer
  • Pond Explorer

  • MarcBook
    Apr 5, 11:16 AM
    Capacitive home button (and volume) is the way to go. Plastic makes the expensive feeling iPhone feel cheap. and it will just look sexy having the home button flush with the glass.

    Another thing which hasn't been wanted as far as I know is the home button to glow in dark as it were. Pretty annoying to press the wrong side when you are in complete darkness.

    Regarding touch buttons, my post above. Regarding pressing the wrong side in the dark, although I have done that a couple of times in the past, I think they make the button concave so you can feel where it is without looking. I (personally) think that a glow in the dark button would look tacky, especially because they glow in that eery green colour. :(


    pond food chain for kids. Pond Rug
  • Pond Rug

  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 05:31 PM
    Sadly, these "findings" really only say (or rather confirms the status quo) one thing to me.
    Mac users are...PRETENTIOUS!

    Lets see:
    computer loyalty...zealot
    All other snob crap...flamboyantly rich and or wannabe rich

    My favorite is:
    computer-savvy and "early adopters"...LOL, clueless overbearing confidence based on ignorance.

    Not only is the "genius bar" full of retards who help more retarded retards, but omg...if "computer savvy" means knowing how to use web applications that don't require install of real programs, then I'll grant "mac-users" that one.
    Considering that nearly all "Pro IT" overwhelmingly used Windows not to mention that "gamers" are one of the most comptuer-savvy consumers, where the heck do computer-savvy Mac users come from? Those who can use FB, Twitter, Tumblr and other "early adopter software" vs. the old school, MS Office, ultra graphics games, Product Lifecyle Management Systems, and other real software? Yeah, I guess "young 20-somethings" will find out how using your Facebook / Web 2.0 computer skills in the real world will get your fired!

    pond food chain for kids. Proper pond liner costs more
  • Proper pond liner costs more

  • rdowns
    Apr 7, 06:36 PM
    This farce is merely Act I. Act II will be the fight over raising the debt ceiling. Finally, in Act III, we implode over the 2012 budget.


    pond food chain for kids. Pestos Kids Virtual World Blog
  • Pestos Kids Virtual World Blog

  • Gasu E.
    Sep 26, 10:08 AM
    OI! APPLE LAWERS!!! YEAH YOU!!! Read some Mintzberg, or Mead, or (and I'd strongly advise this) Andrew Bailey. Basically, get those HBS grads out of your org and stop using crappy outdated Business School Methods. It was once the way to go. But what they don't consider are Gender and Cultures! You wanna piss me off: You loose my custom.

    Sorry for the moan, but the litigation era was over in the 90's.

    It's about Love Marks now, and your Lawers are hurting your brand!!! Fix it before it's too late!

    Oh, calm down and read all the links. There's been no litigation. Apple was pretty damn polite in its one cease-and-desist. Under US law, if you don't defend your trademarks you lose them, and the links discussing their trademark applications indicate that Apple may already be in trouble on that score already.

    P.S. I read Mintzberg in business school in 1981. "Gender and Cultures" is a non sequiter right out of a university course catalog. ROFL. YDKWTFYATA.

    pond food chain for kids. Pond dipping at the WWT London
  • Pond dipping at the WWT London

  • firestarter
    May 3, 01:36 PM
    We're losing as long as we are spending ourselves into oblivion to fight this threat.

    I agree, but that's self inflicted and doesn't have to happen.


    pond food chain for kids. Kids will love discovering how
  • Kids will love discovering how

  • kingkongrope
    Apr 7, 06:28 AM
    I've never jailbroke a ipod touch before so I don't rely know how to do it.
    I've got myself a ipod touch 32gb 4gen.

    So could some one give me a guide on how to do it, it's running on 4.3.1


    I've just seen I've posted this in Ipad :O
    Could some one move it to the right ipod bit thanks

    pond food chain for kids. brought their kids round
  • brought their kids round

  • efoto
    Sep 17, 10:22 AM
    Wow, I am the brink of being completely floored by all the responses, some of which are heartfelt, the others make my sides hurt :D

    I had intended, at the time of authoring, that this be a legitimate question....I really could use some advice :o , but the slew of pseudo-humorous to outrageously inappropriate (in the best way possible) has been great, thank you all for those too.

    I realize asking straight up is probably the best way to do it, however that can be harder than it seems for some people. I am quite extroverted and do well with people in most situations, however if I set my sights on a girl that I like I get a little cotton-mouthed and never have the right words. Thinking this, I never approach and being said words because I am convinced they are wrong.

    What follows is very long, overly rich, and poorly written. Proceed with caution.

    Alright, so with some ambiguity (to protect myself, I pray she is not a MR member :p), here is what has happened, leading up to the question for advice:
    Go to Apple Store, browse around and tell all the male workers I am just looking and do not require or want their assistance. Wait for some time until I see a cute female employee working nearby. She becomes free, I ask her a question regarding an Apple product (go figure), at the time Tiger because I was still running Panther. We start talking, this leads to that, off-topic conversations that we both seem to be enjoying, the whole while I am wondering if it is okay for her to "hangout" talking to me like this. Don't you have other people to help?
    Eventually she wanders off to help someone else. I browse for a while longer, another female approaches and I being exchanging words with her, in regards to OSX in general, which she does not know the answers to. She calls the first girl over, who also does not know. The three of us proceed to stand around a single system, trying to figure out how to do what it is I asked how to do. This whole time, I am quite confident in the solution, however I am quite curious in their suggestion for a solution.
    Alright, anyway. So she leaves after swinging by to say goodbye, because she is about to be done with work. I decide to purchase Tiger, which once I reach the counter they inform me I cannot exercise my student pricing in B&M stores. Dismayed and cheated, I return the product to the shelf and proceed to exit the store, since my product cannot be purchased and the lovely help has all but left for the day.
    Transition 10-15 minutes in advance. I am no longer in the Apple Store, and am meandering around the mall looking for something else. I happen to stop at a store where the storefront is partially in the mall (when looking at the products, I am still on "neutral ground"). She walks by. I notice her, but don't really know what to say so I say nothing. She continues to pass, and then it comes. I hear "hey", turn, and am greeted by none other than the lovely Apple Store employee who left me to finish her shift. She looks even better without the baggy green shirt and lassoed name-tag. I return her 'greeting' and she gives an offering, jokingly, of advice in regards to the store I am standing at. I give a not-so-witty reply (lost my words, again), and after a short exchange she says, "see you later". Now she might have even said "hope to...." before that, but I am not sure so I won't assume it was said.
    Fast forward a week or so. Next time I am in town I go to the Apple Store again. I see the same girl working, further back in the store. I meander in the front for a short while, and then muster the courage to purge deeper into the belly. We make eye-contact for a short instant. Next thing I know, she is taking off towards the back room, never to be seen again (or for as long as my patience lasted). She is back there some time, so I eventually leave, since I was never really looking at anything in the store. Another weekend, similar encounter save for this time I was with a friend of mine. I make eye-contact with her again, briefly, and next thing I know she b-lines it for the back room. I don't see her again as I am not looking for anything, my friend is a moron and doesn't use Macs so he isn't interested, and we leave shortly after entering.

    Alright, now if she has a good memory and likes me at all, she would probably remember that exchange. I have a great memory, hence my recollection of the events. So the gist being, I suck when it comes to talking with girls. I have a lot of girl friends because I am a ''nice guy'', but I have very few dating relationship currently (at 0 sadly), and am looking to increase those. Any advice to how to approach and what is a valid offer of something to do for a first date that isn't overly forward?

    If you survived reading that entire installment, I commend you.
    If you have reached the end without reading the middle, that is quite fine, just give your advice on how to talk to women.

    pond food chain for kids. world of the food chain.
  • world of the food chain.

  • amacgenius
    Sep 1, 01:38 AM
    Who wants to take bets on when the update will be released on torrent sites and FTP servers just like the dev beta? :D

    Mar 18, 11:38 AM
    most places around my area are right about $3.95/gal. for 87 Octane, unless it is BP/Arco which will be a few cents cheaper typically.

    Nov 5, 06:38 PM
    at&t will know what your doing at all times:eek:

    Apr 5, 12:14 PM
    I don't know if its real or not, but I hope that 128GB of storage will be reality. And 64GB for the iPhone 5.

    Sep 26, 06:49 AM
    money hungry wolves. makes me wonder if it's just some bigshot lawyers who are reallying trying to win the battles and Apple is giving them the OK. nonetheless, i think it is wrong and it's pretty sad that Apple is doing it to begin with. just another corporate slaughterhouse.

    Apr 20, 11:16 PM
    is this a desktop or laptop?

    It is a desktop. i have also decided to throw my PS3 in the mix so it will be helping out at night.

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