Wednesday, June 1, 2011

for osama bin laden and

for osama bin laden and. Osama bin Laden DEAD (AKA
  • Osama bin Laden DEAD (AKA

  • fishmoose
    Oct 6, 01:49 PM
    First off Apple isn't even close to first in sales, so your thoughts are based on faulty data. Second even if they where first in sales selling even more hardware is better. Given the right features more models simply means more sales.

    In the US they aren't but in the rest of the world they are.

    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden and Saddam.
  • Osama Bin Laden and Saddam.

  • Josh
    Sep 17, 12:08 PM
    Just tell her she's the Apple of your eye.

    hahaha lol..I kill me.....

    ok, maybe not.

    But yeah - do not stalk her at her workplace. Never turns out for the better.

    Plus, girls like mystery and by showing up in a place you KNOW she will be, you're removing all the mystery.

    If you can, without stalking her or being creepy, find out what other stuff she likes besides Apple, or where you might have an UNPLANNED encounter with her, you might have a chance of saving this situation.

    Other than that, it looks quite tricky....tricky tricky tricky.

    for osama bin laden and. Then and now: Osama Bin Laden,
  • Then and now: Osama Bin Laden,

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 11, 05:38 PM
    Oh, I know it's sort of off-topic, but check this out:

    How to Fold a Shirt (

    And for those among us here who speak Japanese, what is the woman saying exactly?

    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden, finally his
  • Osama Bin Laden, finally his

  • big samm
    Jan 6, 05:27 PM
    and the logging chat is still bugging what mean by that is each time i exit the facebook application and open it back it logs me in the chat even know i logged off before exiting the application... anyone else have this problem?


    for osama bin laden and. osama bin laden avatar.
  • osama bin laden avatar.

  • Xavier
    Mar 13, 09:47 AM
    My Verizon iPhone found the correct time. All is well over here.

    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden and some. that
  • Osama Bin Laden and some. that

  • manic
    Sep 25, 10:29 AM
    right now there is an "On-going demonstration about how metadata is stored even when some media is offline"


    for osama bin laden and. Osama bin Laden#39;s death is
  • Osama bin Laden#39;s death is

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 8, 11:58 PM
    Does anybody else beside me think the launch titles suck?

    I was gonna pre-order the 3DS but I don't like any of the games. I'd be buying some random game just to try out a $250 piece of hardware.

    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden Dead, Photo,
  • Osama Bin Laden Dead, Photo,

  • ciTiger
    Apr 25, 01:16 PM
    Even with the App Store a new OS will still require an external medium... For availability at least...


    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden pop art
  • Osama Bin Laden pop art

  • linsam
    Jan 6, 11:12 PM
    No Sound For Me Either. I Suspect An Update To Come Real Soon.

    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden Calls For.
  • Osama Bin Laden Calls For.

  • normwood
    Feb 24, 06:08 AM
    No it is NOT Apple's fault. This is CLEARLY the parents fault.



    for osama bin laden and. killed Osama Bin Laden and
  • killed Osama Bin Laden and

  • Apple Corps
    Feb 19, 06:42 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Get your elbow off the table steve, has your mother taught you nothing?!

    I count at least 4 elbows on the table - mothers must be failing everywhere.

    for osama bin laden and. Osama bin Laden and Winona
  • Osama bin Laden and Winona

  • GekkePrutser
    Oct 26, 01:08 PM
    I wouldn't worry too much just yet. As I said above, just because Adobe has decided to proceed in this manner does not mean everyone else will too. I'm betting that PPC machines will still be "safe" for a few more years in this respect. And plus, for many "non-Pro" users like myself, I don't need to run the latest version of certain software, so even if the newest versions are Intel only, this won't affect me much. My Office v.X will still run fine, just as my Photoshop Elements 3, iLife 06 and Toast 7 will. They meet my needs so I don't feel a need to upgrade them at this point in time even if new versions come out (UB or not). :cool:

    Yeah, I think software that is already on the market for PPC may even see another new release (relatively not a lot of work), but I wouldn't count on much newly developed stuff (such as SoundBooth) to be released for PPC. Unless it's being developed in XCode but for some reasons most large software companies don't use it.

    I still think the current PPC line will be obsolete a lot quicker than we are used to :( At work we still use a G3 from 1999 for testing apps. Works great running 10.4.8. I don't think our PPC's will last 8 years :( I agree that Apple will support us for a good while but I think 3rd parties will drop off a lot quicker.

    But you're right, we don't need the latest software per-se to have a use for our Macs... Didn't really think of that.


    for osama bin laden and. Obama and Osama Bin Laden both
  • Obama and Osama Bin Laden both

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 11, 03:28 PM
    I too will be swapping out my US made foreign car for an "American" car, but anymore, I'm not sure what that means.

    Good point. There is a little article in the April Car and Driver that lists all of the cars assembled in North America and their actual domestic parts content. Some of it is pretty shocking. Sorry, I don't think they have it online, but if somebody really wants it, I can scan it.

    As an example, the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry are both 80% U.S./Canadian parts content. The Chevrolet Silverado pickup? ...61%. :eek:

    for osama bin laden and. UPDATED — Osama Bin Laden is
  • UPDATED — Osama Bin Laden is

  • OrangeSVTguy
    May 2, 10:38 PM
    It's pretty clear that the lens is in a deeper "well" in the white model. This is consistent with the rumor that light was impinging on the camera in the white model. What you need to do is limit all light that isn't coming from directly in front of the lens. No light from the side, and definitely no light from the inside of the camera. The way to fight it if you have an SLR? Invest in an old fashioned thing called a bellows, which shields the lens from any light that isn't coming from the area you can focus on, and which doesn't do anything but add glare or make blacks in the picture more like dark gray. This deeper camera acts like a bellows, I presume, blocking any light coming through the white, more translucent body.

    I believe that's also what the little aluminum trim ring around the camera sensor is used for too to block out the light from the translucent body and the LED flash. The prototype iPhone 4 never had that ring I believe.


    for osama bin laden and. wife for Osama Bin Laden.
  • wife for Osama Bin Laden.

  • daygoKid19
    Apr 20, 09:37 AM
    thanks for welcoming me. i had a windows box running SETI all day but saw that Macrumors had a folding@home team so decided to join in. i have a question though, does having a dedicated GPU help out alot? Right the computer only has integrated graphics.

    for osama bin laden and. usama bin laden cartoons
  • usama bin laden cartoons

  • Mogenshu
    Sep 27, 02:34 PM
    You know, I often see this posted on the forums, yet I can't think of any example in the past that proves it. Every version after a .9 that I know of has been the last of that series.

    Another example is that World of Warcraft is on version 1.12


    for osama bin laden and. Osama bin Laden
  • Osama bin Laden

  • john123
    Mar 27, 01:04 PM
    That's pretty funny. Gates looks like a velociraptor in that first shot.

    for osama bin laden and. osama bin laden and obama.
  • osama bin laden and obama.

  • Jetson
    Aug 14, 10:13 PM
    I thought Justin Long was great in Jeepers Creepers, along with Gina Phillips (who played his sister) and of course Jonathan Breck (The Creeper).

    That is one scary flick. :eek:

    for osama bin laden and. Osama Bin Laden (and
  • Osama Bin Laden (and

  • Vedhead
    Apr 5, 11:01 AM
    the iPad will be for normal people when you don't have the sync it.

    all this syncing ********* needs to stop.

    I shouldn't need another computer to use my iPad.

    Makes no sense at all.

    Jan 5, 09:17 AM
    If you live in the northeast I can tell you definitely there are many places where data coverage goes out - it's just a fact of terrain. There are many places where you would need a cell tower every hundred feet to have complete coverage - and that ain't happening. I'll give you and example - Greenwich, CT has terrible data coverage - this is a rich area, maybe 35 miles from NYC and data coverage is terrible. I've seen it first hand, this not speculation.

    I use TomTom - it has all the maps of the US and Canada - it works in the middle of nowhere in the backcountry even without cell or data coverage.

    Now - to be out in the middle of nowhere and have the app say it needs data - and that you can't get your street or turning info - well that is just profoundly stupid. They need to have the option to download at least your full region within 200 to 500 miles - otherwise I just would not trust it as my gps system. No way. Case closed.

    Oct 26, 05:03 PM
    How long is the line?

    10? 20? 50?

    When you posted this it was about 300 people :P

    Feb 18, 10:32 AM
    I could sit outside a Palo Alto cancer treatment center with a camera and produce a dozen, faceless shots of thin, old white men in jeans every day.

    +1. To speculate about that picture is ridiculous.

    Sep 27, 02:53 PM
    What you need to keep in mind is that trademarks are not universal. They are trying to trademark usage of the word "Pod" within the arena of digital music players only:

    A very fair point. But even within that (relatively) limited domain, I believe attempting to trademark a 'generic' word (i.e. not an artificial label/title), especially one which was already in common usage in many other companies products is farcical :- to me at least.

    To look at a parallel, I think Sony should have fought harder to protect their Walkman moniker, but shouldn't under any circumstances have been given the trademarks "Walk" or "Man". If companies want to protect their trademarks - fine, then they shouldn't choose generic, everyday words. IMO.

    Apr 23, 01:21 PM
    If being a real man equals only being able to ride slowly in a straight line and have a "pay attention to me" exhaust, then yes. (This also applies to sportbike riders in long beach, ca)

    Otherwise, real men ride Triumphs. :cool:

    My exhaust is a Screaming Eagle model, it's not "pay attention to me" at all. Harley stock exhausts aren't loud. A loud harley has aftermarket pipes or someone just unbolted the baffles.

    And the dyna chassis is made for twisties just fine, but what's the point, a Harley is mostly to cruise or tour, why wouldn't I want to go slowly in a straight line ? What's the rush ? The fun is riding, not getting to a particular destination.

    Of course the "real men" comment wasn't too bright, but your bashing of Harley-Davidsons is quite stereotypical and ignorant.

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